Monday, July 7, 2008


It's the best way to learn, everyone says.
It's true, and to make the most of learning, I have to continually remind myself to breathe and relax. Otherwise, I'm in a state of allergic reaction and overload and I just want to retreat. Immersion is overwhelming at times. I think about this when I am bitten by mosquitoes at the table, at my desk, while I'm sleeping, on the bus.... I'm not used to that.
Yes, I'm taking my malaria pills- thanks to my superstar girlfriend Helen who sent them in the mail. I did leave home without them.
I think about this when everything inside me is close to boiling over. This morning I was happy to eat fried fish with breakfast, but not wanting to deal with the bones. Yesterday on the bus to Manila I didn't want to see continual trash or the color green. All of these are warning signs that I'm about overwhelmed. I imagine walking down the street and someone trying to steal my camera and me assaulting them and enjoying the workout...or at least wondering if I could keep a cool head if I was in that situation.

And probably the reason for some of this is that I'm about to take a midterm exam- and we had to go to Manila yesterday for a disaster of a TV program and it burned about 10 hours of our study time. Yes, though I am learning, I truly am.

I'll close with a highlight from this morning. A mellow Jeepeny driver, getting off early to do my 15 minute walk through the campus and getting great shots of Jeepneys spewing out exhaust. I've been looking to capture this photo since I've been here and I finally got it today!
Off now for my daily academic "jumping in."


Ms. Sis said...

Sounds like you are doing some great wrk for self and others! Glad to hear that you are doing well.
I will try to check in on your journeys and travels over the summer, sounds exciting! Yay for cars running on vegetable oil conversion! All the best on the journey!

Ms. Sis said...

Sounds like you are doing some great wrk for self and others! Glad to hear that you are doing well.
I will try to check in on your journeys and travels over the summer, sounds exciting! Yay for cars running on vegetable oil conversion! All the best on the journey!

Anonymous said...

Jason! Way to stretch your life and spirit and patience (and brain plasticity) to the edge! I love it...and I appreciate the reminders of how our passive lifestyles often feed The Things We Hate. It's too true, and we need to make as many decisions as possible count towards starving that thing and feeding our selves and communities.

You're an inspiration. Keep it up, homie!