Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Winter Soldier

I haven't posted much the last few months.
There have been memorable things, but not everything gets recorded electronically. Just like not every picture gets taken, poem written or quote remembered.

What was incredibly moving and memorable was this Winter Soldier event. The original event was held in 1971 by Vietnam War Veterans who spoke honestly and about what the had experienced while in "service to their country" and afterwards. Much like the original event, this latest Winter Soldier illustrated that "service to your country" was more an exercise in "disservice to everyone's humanity".
There were brilliant conclusions drawn between the intersections of gender, class and race in the military and toward people from other countries. I would have liked to see more of illustration of the links between our economic system and the decisions made by our key policy makers, who are servicing misguided short term economic policies set up to maintain and benefit those making the most profit off of this human campaign of mistreatment. We all participate in the economic system and because of that we all can have an impact in creating something different. 51% of the taxes I just paid here in the US will go to my countries' military. Our schools are being shut down and teacher fired because of the elite, owning class-rule the world, government priorities and decisions that so many of us here in the US haven't figured out yet how to stop . People commonly invest money into retirement accounts so that they can be cared for by others instead of family when they are older. This empowers business with a mandate to make as much profit as possible and in the meantime, jobs go overseas and our lives get worse. We hand over our resources so they can wage class war on us as well as raise our children and hand them over so they can die for their agenda. Clearly this is not an interesting long term plan.

Enough for now.


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