Friday, May 16, 2008

Babalik ako sa Filipinas - I'm Returning to the Philippines

I've been studying Tagalog for the last 2 years at the City College of SF. It's been very difficult and challenging. I remember being able to figure some things out in school pretty quickly. This has not been the case with Tagalog. Difficult, frustrating and ultimately with my persistence, somewhat successful, I was a B+ student in High School, a B student in college (with a national championship in Ultimate Frisbee) and without extra credit, definitely a C student with Tagalog now. School has always been a struggle and now is no different, however I getting something more now out of the struggle that I didn't before. I'm figuring out how to struggle academically in a new way.

My big news for the last month has been that I'm headed to the Philippines soon to study Tagalog for 7 weeks in an intensive AFAP immersion program. My last trip there was in 2004 to visit family and do some Playback Theater. Now I'm going to study and also do a vegetable oil conversion on a vehicle there so it can be fueled by waste oil from restaurants. That's the hope as least..."internal, just be positive and make it happen.."

Much of my time has been spent preparing as well as wrapping up work projects here before going. For example, I'm moving most of the stuff in my rented room into storage today. Gotta go!


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