Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Bittersweet Life

Life at it’s best is bittersweet.
I’m not jaded, just hear me out here. As we grow up and become adults we gradually get more control over our choices and our life. With these choices come consequences, good ones, bad ones and all the mixed ones. It’s pretty easy to choose between a horrible option and a good one. I’m a child of immigrants and my parents and or great grandparents chose as best they could and gave me more options than they had. Many times, they lived with fewer opportunities than do now. So, because they worked and still work very hard I have more options. Also, if I’m being smart about my life I might be able to use the privilege they built for me to create even more options for myself. At that point, I’m choosing between two or more great options and that’s painful because I have choose one thing over another. You will always have to face disappointment and loss as you let something come into being and send others into unrealization. John Trudel speaks about our value of responsibility (you can listen to it from “my favorites audio links on the right side of this page). He says that we should value responsibility more than freedom. If we are being responsible for making something happen then there are steps involved and choices to be made and follow though with and accountability to the goal. It’s not easy, and it’s not often clear.

Also, it’s not something that those previous generations want to hear about. “Must be nice to have choices” is what my Dad would often say to me with a tone of resentment.

So goodbye. Maybe another time or maybe just never…

So, for all of you out there....
If you’re wrestling with a major choice I’m here to say, you’re not alone and it’s a sign that things are getting better!


Anonymous said...

one door closes... another opens, perhaps better than ever imagined! thanks for sharing your thoughts and good reads

Anonymous said...

The thing is... Everytime that you make a choice you are letting housands of other possible lifes go. And I always thought that was a painful process... After having met you, I see it more like we also grow from letting go. It fucking hurts but it's worth it. And necessary. Safe travels. I love you. Cuca.